The Christmas traditions in Destination Canigó

The “Live Pessebres” (live nativity scenes in Catalan) are a veritable institution in local traditions.

Pessebres the Student Illoise © Jean MONIER

In Catalonia, it is during the XIVrd century that we find traces of the existence of these theatrical representations of the Nativity featuring actors, singers and animals in a fervor preserved until today.

The Illoise student association, formerly pastoral of Ille sur Têt created in 1925, East the only one to still perpetuate the tradition living Pessebres, of great popularity in northern Catalonia.

Also, during the Christmas time, l'Etudiantine crisscrosses the department of Pyrénées-Orientales for a series of performances awaited.

Celebration, joy and sharing are on the program!

But for more magic, another Catalan popular tradition, humorous and delicious, is favored by children (and parents)! : the Nadal's uncle ou Caga tió.

This little character takes its story from the logs that were put in the hearth of the fireplace to warm the house at the approach of Christmas. Doesn't that remind you of the traditional French Yule log?

Today, we draw him a nose, eyes and a smiling mouth without forgetting the famous spiel (little Catalan red beret) that we put on his head and coverage on his back so he doesn't catch a cold!

After feeding and caring for him from December 8, comes the time to defecate (“to hide”) le Caga tió!Indeed, on Christmas Eve the children will sing the nursery rhyme Nadal's uncle while hitting him with a stick so let him deliver to them the delicacies hidden in his stomach!

The log is then burned in the fireplace.

One of the many versions for the nursery rhyme “Tió de Nadal”:

Caga tio,
Que et dare a cop of bastó;
Si no cagues torró fi
No sleep amb mi.
Caga tio,
Avellanes i strands,
No caguis arengades
Que són massa salads.
Caga turrón
That its mas good!


Do poo log!
'Cause I'll kick you.
If you don't shit nougat,
Do poo log!
Hazelnuts and nougats,
Don't shit herrings,
Because they are too salty,
poop nougat, 
Because they are better!


I am a specialist in Roussillon Conflent, an El Canigó País Català destination in the Ille-su-Têt sector.