Rencontre avec Xaví Bosh

Portraits of people from here

Meeting with Xavi Bosh

B. Malassingne Xaví Bosh The feeling I had in this place? … It's very pleasant: a very natural, very wild forest. My name is Xaví Boshet, I am Catalan from the South. Guardian of the Conques refuge I was born in 1961 and I have been working in refuges for 40 years. This is my […]

El tio, tio

Pais Catalan

El tio, tio

The song El Tio Tio is a nursery rhyme played by children. Holding a candle, each tries to set fire to a piece of paper protruding from the back of his predecessor's pants. Jo you incense el tio, tio, tio!Jo you incense el tio of paperYou will incense me el tio, tio, […]


Pais Catalan

The Ollada

The Catalan Ollada (pronounced “Ouillade”) is a fairly hearty winter dish. This is pork and vegetables (cabbage, white beans, potatoes, etc.) of the hotpot type. Ingredients and preparation of the Ollada Ingredients (5 people) cured ham rind 1 semi-salted pork knuckle 2 pig ears 1 pig's trotter 1 […]

Parlem català

Pais Catalan

Catalan Parliament

Nosaltres aquí parlem catalàParlem català és la nostra llenguaParlem català és la nostra vidaÉs el nostre ésser, és el nostre pa Parlem català, per te dir t'estimiParlem català per collir la florPer esgrunar els anys d'aquest time that passedParlem català per riure i cantar Per dir la tristor, tenim catalàPer calamar les penes, tenim catalàTenim […]

Our experts

I accompany you on this Canigó País Català destination to give you the keys to Catalanity and explain to you why it is an exceptional country.
I am a Roussillon Conflent specialist in the Ille-su-Têt sector.
I am a specialist in Roussillon Conflent, an El Canigó País Català destination in the Ille-su-Têt sector.